RWW Soundings (Redesign)

This summer, 4 years of planning culminated in the release of a redesigned, rebranded, and revivified website for PLU’s very own Soundings publication and community. Belonging to the premier low-res MFA in Creative Writing program, The Rainier Writing Workshop (RWW), this included a full rebranding of the program itself.

First envisioned and created by Katrina Hays in the spring of 2011, the website had faithfully kept its appearance and served the community until this year–a full 24 issues later. By this time, the digital landscape had changed considerably, and a full-scale update was in order.

The old:



The New:


RWW Director Rick Barot and Soundings Editor Hannah Comerford were invaluable to the whole redesign process.

Tailored throughout, the new streamlined design is 100% responsive and mobile-compatible, making both exploration and engagement inviting, intuitive, and effortless on computer, tablet, or phone–whether it’s accessing participant documents and schedules, or perusing each new issue. Magazines now have adjustable text size, a permanently accessible article list, convenient top-and-bottom page navigation, and social media buttons. When you get a chance, I encourage taking some time to look through and read some of the excellent articles. This summer release is a great place to start.